0 69 / 6 31 33 33   Dr. med. dent. Tim Kowalke Master of Science

Dr. med. dent. Tim Kowalke M.Sc.

Waidmannstraße 7-9
60596 Frankfurt – Sachsenhausen

Dates by appointment
069 / 6 31 33 33

Opening Hours
Mon-Fri 8.30 am to 6.00 pm

Patient Notes

We ask you to contact us in urgent cases first by phone in order to avoid longer waiting times.

Outside of our opening hours you can reach the dental emergency service on 01805 60 70 11
(14 cents / min. from landline, mobile maximum 42 cents / min.)

Information on how to get there

50 m from the stop Stresemannallee, which you can easily reach with the S-Bahn S3 / S4 in the direction of Darmstadt or Langen, with the tram line 17 or also with the bus no. 78.

If you would like to arrive by car, there are parking spaces available in the courtyard.

Appointment by phone on 069 / 6 31 33 33

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    Waidmannstr. 7-9

    Dr. med. dent. Tim Kowalke
    Master of Science

    Waidmannstraße 7-9
    60596 Frankfurt am Main / Sachsenhausen

    Dates by appointment
    0 69 / 6 31 33 33

    Opening Hours

    Mon-Fri 8.30 am to 6.00 pm

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